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Odyssey of the Lion-heart: Captivating Action Adventure Novel【電子書籍】[ O'jay Dimbuh ]
![Odyssey of the Lion-heart: Captivating Action Adventure Novel【電子書籍】[ O'jay Dimbuh ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/0106/2000003610106.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Odyssey of the Lion-heart: Captivating Action Adventure Novel【電子書籍】[ O'jay Dimbuh ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/0106/2000003610106.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Odyssey of the Lion-heart: Captivating Action Adventure Novel【電子書籍】[ O'jay Dimbuh ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/0106/2000003610106.jpg?_ex=365x365)
<p data-version='1.1'>'...a story you will never forget' - Daniel Lazar</p><p>'...I loved the steaminess of this book...' - Kirsty Turner</p><p>'..the plot of this book is amazing...' - Peggy Salkill</p><p>'...overwhelming ...evocative ...powerful' - Ola Jolu</p><p><strong>ADVENTURE, STEAMY PASSION, BETRAYAL, ROMANCE, REBELLION...</strong></p><p>This is a fascinating historical epic, an intriguing tale of torrid sex, volatile colonial tensions, supernatural mystique, great vision, and incredible courage. It is the compelling and evocative story of a man’s compulsive and dangerous quest to follow his heart…</p><p/><p>Bold, brave, golden-hearted and endearingly steadfast, Chidebem repeatedly defied the odds as he wound through a most extraordinary life, growing to become one of the greatest men to live, southeast of the Niger River.</p><p>From the stunning rescue of two adolescent slave captives, to a passionate love affair with a sensually beautiful Irish widow at nineteen. From the breathtaking spectacle of his virtually barehanded lion-kill, to his great wealth, fame, and women. From the clever and dangerous rescue of Royal Niger Company men facing near-certain death at the fearsome clan of Okija, to an ingenious intervention to prevent a massacre of his people as the British marched in…</p><p>Then came the crunch. First, he faced the dilemma of a 'sacrilegious' birth of twins by the love of his life, then the political shenanigans of agents of the great British Empire. Will 'the greatest of Ngana's sons' back down for once, in fear of his people's wrath, and the fearsome pre-birth prophecy of their vengeful ancestral gods? Will he tremble at the prospect of a confrontation with the mighty District Commissioner and the god-like British Resident? Or will he follow his conscience, as usual, and take the boldest and most daring steps in his colourful life? His decisions will have profound and far-reaching consequences for himself, his beloved people, and countless others …</p><p/><p>ACTION ADVENTURE:</p><p>Like something from a nightmare, the beast drew back his great head, growled fiercely, and surged forward towards Chidebem. As he leapt past the unconscious girl, If’adikanwa rushed forward, scooped up her daughter in her arms, and ran back towards her hut. For a moment, Chidebem stood, scarce believing that the lion was coming at him. Then he hastily pulled his gun from his left shoulder, took aim, and shot at the onrushing beast. It was a poor shot. His hands shook so badly that…</p><p>STEAMY PASSION:</p><p>Katherine fell into continuous orgasms, until she was sobbing with the avalanche of feelings, her head moving frantically from side to side on the bed. She was trembling uncontrollably, completely overwhelmed with unbelievably intense pleasure, all her senses concentrated on the sensations ravaging her entire being…</p><p>ROMANCE:</p><p>Roy had started to avoid her. She had felt terribly hurt, not knowing what she had done wrong. Over the next several weeks, she had seen him at various social gatherings with a succession of girls. They were all very beautiful and obviously belonged to the right social class. She had burnt with jealousy and cried herself to sleep several times. Then she saw him at a ball and he had the nerve to walk over to her and casually ask her for a dance. What cheek! Her reaction was thoughtless and shocked even herself, as she threw a glassful of wine in his face, her eyes blazing...</p><p>BETRAYAL:</p><p>“You told me that it wasn’t poison,” cried Ofoma, distraught, as he gripped Ez’ibe tightly around his throat with both hands. “You swore that what you gave to me was to make me able to control his mind, to make him do whatever I say.” His eyes were wild with pain and anger, and tears stood out in them as he held Ez’ibe as though he wanted to strangle him...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:333円
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オデッセイ 関連ツイート
危険なオデッセイ【勝手にMAD】 https://t.co/Ajy1tVWklK @YouTubeさんから@sirozakuragusya 2018/05/21 18:41
RT @tohocinemas_m: 映画『#ゲティ家の身代金』、5/25(金)公開!!
#オデッセイ の #リドリー・スコット 監督最新作
「ムダ金だ 絶対に払わんぞ」
#実話@mackmaki0118 2018/05/21 19:30
RT @IzunoHiranari: ジャミラが、『オデッセイ』みたく地球と連絡がとれてるんだけども、どうすることもできずに段々とジャミラ化していってしまう話だと、ちょっと凄そう。
@kuro96neko05 2018/05/21 19:08